Wednesday, April 10, 2019


This month is the last month I live here. I’ve been lived in this apartment since the end of 2017, along with the coming of my wife and daughter—after we’ve been separated for 6 months since February 2017. There are several things that I love about this place.

First, the location. In some cloudy (and moody) days, I go to my office riding bicycle. It was fun because I roll downward. I can come to my workplace tidily. On the road, I also enjoy Bandung’s natural scenery. Even in the near peak of the day, I still can hear cicada sings a monotonous voice from the upper tree of Merdeka Street. So does when I cycling to the opposite direction. Consciously I can hear the sound of afternoon bugs on the streets of Wastukancana, on the vicinity of SKMN 1 Bandung. Sometimes, it needs the same time allocation to go back and forth between my office and my apartment. In those 15-20 minutes of go-home-biking, I also burn some calories. It was just feel fresh whenever I came to my room.

Number 2, the facility. Actually it was not the first class apartment in town. My wife and I, once visited another building that serves room allowance a half of my monthly income—which is very expensive because when we live there, what would we eat? Nevertheless, apartment that I’m living in, provides monkey’s howl in the morning. It is because the zoo only separated by the thin river on the valley. Let alone the fresh air provided by the forest in the same area.

For this several days remaining, I try to maximize another facility in this apartment: swimming pool. This morning, I read a book entitled A Simple Life written by Desi Anwar. She wrote about her art teacher and her healthy lifestyle. She said every morning, her teacher always spend less than an hour to go to swim. It makes her looks fine.

The story motivates me to be like her. Even though I cannot swim for that long—I usually swim for 10 minutes—I still be able to manage my morning to get wet. Though it is surely cold. You know what, when my whole body got sunk, I feel my left hand’s palm got the most drastic temperature. I guess it is because that part is the most gadget friendly part of another. While swimming, I also scream underwater to get my voice getting heavier.

Beside maximize swimming chance in my last days, I also use my free time to join a sport club named Sparko or Spartan Komando. At least 4 days in a week, I do some stretches with them. Hopefully, right when I moved back to Jakarta, I can be the better TV journalist. Or I also hope, there comes another experience in a new position—or workplace. []

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