Tuesday, July 2, 2019


By submitting netflix’ subcription, I have a chance to watch so many movies. By this week, at least eleven movies i have watched. The last 2 movies was a classic movies: MiB and Kungfu Hustle. MiB was first released at 1997. It tells the story about special forces who handled problems referring to alien activities on planet earth. Actually, the latest film of MiB was released last month. And I haven’t seen it (even more, not interested to do so) due to negative review about it. The first MiB saga, somehow felt fresh. I still can released some laugh at the moment where local police officer named James Edward—whom then known as Agent J—tried to catch a running alien-human in the streets of New York. 

“New York is now raining with a black people”, he said when jumped down to the opened-ceiling-tour-bus. The dialogue showed how he mock himself—as black guy. The same pattern was used when J joined a selection of an upcoming new agent of MiB. He asked Zed about the purpose of being there: running some test with a number of best of the best of the best marine, army, and other military person. One of them answered Edward with the exact answer as Zed told: to be the best of the best of the best—without knowing theirown roles later. James then mocked him as a “captain america” with silly expression. 

The same sensation, I got from the second classical movie: Kungfu Hustle. It was produced in Hong Kong at 2004. Stephen Chow played as the main character—and director as well. He roled as a clumsy boy whom tried to scam residents of one village in order to get a staggering reputation as member of the axe gang—in fact, he wasn’t. Unpredictably, he found out that almost all of the villagers are doing well in kungfu fighting. Among them, also live 2 legendary self defense virtuoso whom inevitably has to woke their power up to defend their home from the brutality of axe gang. Unbeknownst of himself, the boy has a kungfu super power as well.

I guess, this was the second best action movies that i have ever saw. The first place belongs to The Raid 2: Berandal (2014). Those two titles offered a beautiful fighting scene. Those are shot in a medium close up composition, so that we can see from a wider perspective of how the fight runs out. Kungfu Hustle feels more special because it’s comedic taste. The moment when the main character challenged villagers to fight, was the most hillarious one. We can trully feel the interesting usage of “setup-punchline” pattern in almost all over the movie. 

MiB and Kungfu Hustle are two memorable movies that up till now, still feel warm to enjoy. Even so, I have another movie that I have been watched lately, and gave a strong comedic/ satiric/ sadistic effect. I recommend You to watch this one: Parasite (2019). []

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